Today is Friday, February 07, 2025

  • Annual Dinner

    Join us on Sunday, Nov 1 for our Annual Dinner at Salem Church Hall in Wanatah.

    Doors open at 12 noon with the meal at 12:30. The entertainment this year is Quadraphonic Sound Barbershop Group. Tickets are $20/person at the door. Please RSVP to Wanatah Historical Society at 219-733-2822, 219-733-2865, or 219-733-2927.

  • 2017 Calendar

    The 2017 Historical Society Calendar features photos and tidbits about historical Wanatah. $10.00

    Place your order today...

  • Can you help?

    The Wanatah Historical Society is seeking these items for its collection: Pictures of the High School, Pictures of Enterprise Hall, Pictures of other Wanatah School buildings before 1885, 1947 Wanatah High School yearbook, Picture of the Coal Dock, "Cock of the Walk" flour sack, Information and photos about the Hobo Camp in Wanatah, Any old pictures tucked away in your attic, shoebox or album for loan or donation

    We need your help with these special projects...

  • Memorial Bricks

    Orders for memorial bricks are now being taken for installation in the museum courtyard. Bricks are $60.00 each. They may be inscribed with either the donor's name or in memory of someone.

Click on a thumbnail for more WHS information:

Our Mission

The Wanatah Historical Society was formed in 1996 by a group of concerned citizens from the areas of Cass, Clinton and Dewey Townships in LaPorte County (IN) and Morgan, Essex and Washington Townships in Porter County (IN).

From the early days, through today and into the future it is the intent of the Society "To Remember - To Preserve" the history of Wanatah and the surrounding area for all future generations.

Our Goals

To engage in the documentation, collection, preservation and recording of information, genealogy and other items of historical interest concerning the area prior to, and after, the recording and incorporation of the Town of Wanatah and to include Cass and Clinton townships in LaPorte County and Essex, Washington and Morgan townships in Porter County.

To do research concerning the history of the Wanatah area for educational purposes.

To maintain an association of persons having an interest in preserving the past and future history of the area.

Your support is important!

Become a member today!

The Wanatah Historical Society
PO Box 156
Wanatah, IN 46390-0156
Copyright © 2013 by Wanatah Historical Society, Wanatah, Indiana.
All rights reserved.
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